24 Hour Bail Bonds:

Los Angeles: 323-547-8786 | Orange County: 714-541-1155 San Bernardino: 909-381-3899 | San Diego: 619-381-4859 | Riverside: 951-445-4155

24 Hour Bail Bonds:

Los Angeles: 323-547-8786

Orange County: 714-541-1155

San Bernardino: 909-381-3899

San Diego: 619-381-4859

Riverside: 951-445-4155

justice bail bonds


If you or someone you know faces arrest, a bail bond offers a solution to secure release from jail during the trial period. Instead of paying the full bail upfront, you or your family can work with a bail bondsman. They will handle the full bail amount by paying the bondsman approximately 10% of the bail, allowing release from custody.

Obtaining a bail release allows you to resume daily responsibilities while awaiting trial. Being released on bail allows you to return to work, care for your family, and attend to personal matters. This freedom and flexibility during the pre-trial period facilitate better preparation for upcoming court appearances.

For bail assistance in Campo, talk to Justice Bail Bonds.

Understanding Bail Bonds

The bail-setting process starts during a court hearing, when the judge evaluates factors such as:

The Seriousness of the Alleged Crime

Facing charges can either be categorized as a misdemeanor or a felony. Felonies, being more severe offenses, generally result in higher bail amounts compared to misdemeanors. This distinction is due to the inherent gravity of felony charges. These violations pose increased risks to public safety or carry more severe penalties upon conviction. Consequently, judges often set higher bail amounts for felony charges to address these concerns and ensure the defendant's appearance in court.

Your Criminal History

Examining your criminal history, mainly if it involves repeated offenses or offenses similar to the current charges, significantly influences the judge's perspective on bail. Repeated offenses could be seen as a sign of an ongoing pattern of criminal behavior. This will impact the decision to set a higher bail amount.

Furthermore, the severity of your previous convictions is a crucial element in the overall assessment. If your criminal history includes grave or violent offenses, the judge will likely consider this information when determining bail. The gravity of these past convictions plays a pivotal role in the judge's evaluation of the potential risks associated with your release.

Community Ties

Your ties to the community are a pivotal factor in deciding bail values. When the judge determines an appropriate bail amount, they consider how strongly connected you are to the community.

Family relationships, employment status, and how long you have been in the community all contribute to these ties. These aspects indicate your rootedness and involvement in the local area.

If your connections to the community are robust, the court will likely see you as having a strong incentive to attend scheduled court hearings and meet legal obligations. The judge could lean towards setting a lower bail amount in these situations. This shows trust in your commitment to community responsibilities.

Conversely, if your ties to the community are not as strong, the court could perceive this as a potential risk. This perception could lead the judge to consider a higher bail amount to ensure your appearance in court.

Flight Risk

If the court sees you as more likely to flee, he/she will likely set a higher bail. This judgment is based on your financial situation and the factors outlined above.

If you have strong connections to the community, a stable work history, and a track record of meeting legal obligations, the court will likely view you as a lower flight risk. In these cases, the judge could consider setting a lower bail.

Conversely, if you have previously avoided legal responsibilities, have substantial financial resources, or are facing severe charges, the court could perceive you as a higher flight risk. In these instances, the judge could set a higher bail or impose stricter conditions to address the perceived risk.

The bail determination process aims to find a middle ground between your right to reasonable bail and the court's duty to ensure your attendance at all necessary court proceedings.

The judge aims to establish a bail amount that is not punitive but will ensure you attend all scheduled hearings.

Bail Conditions

Once the bail amount is set, you or your loved ones can either pay the full bail amount to the court or enlist the services of a Campo bail bondsman. If you opt for a bondsman, you or your family pay them a percentage of the bail amount, usually 10%. In turn, the bail bondsman provides a guarantee to the court by paying the entire bail amount.

After posting bail, the judge will grant your release, but under certain conditions, notably:

  1. Attending All Court Hearings

Attending all scheduled court hearings is a legal imperative when released on bail or any form of pretrial release. Failing to appear for any court date carries severe consequences, including the following:

  • Potential forfeiture of the bail amount.
  • The issuance of a bench warrant for your arrest and
  • Additional legal penalties, for example, failure to appear (FTA) charges.

Attendance at court hearings is a fundamental obligation in the legal process. If you cannot attend a scheduled court hearing, you must notify your attorney and the court in advance.

  1. Refraining From Illegal Activities

While on conditional release, any involvement in an infraction or misdemeanor, no matter how minor, can have grave implications. The terms of your release mandate an obligation to abstain from any criminal activities, irrespective of their severity. Violating these terms, even with a lesser offense, can have significant consequences.

The court could take various actions if you commit an infraction or misdemeanor during your conditional release. These could range from revoking your release to imposing additional conditions. It could increase the bail amount or potentially pursue new criminal charges related to the subsequent offense.

  1. Adhering to Additional Court Stipulations

While on conditional release, you need to follow specific additional terms established by the court. In addition to refraining from criminal activities, these terms are in place to ensure your compliance with the law, enhance public safety, and guarantee your attendance at future court proceedings.

These added terms could include various conditions, such as:

  • Travel restrictions.
  • Residing at a specified address.
  • Limitations on contacting specific individuals,
  • Mandatory check-ins with authorities.
  • Substance abuse testing.
  • Employment or education obligations.
  • Electronic monitoring and
  • Restrictions on possessing firearms or other weapons.

Compliance with these terms is crucial to meeting the conditions of your release and avoiding potential consequences. Failure to follow any specified terms could result in the revocation of your release, increased bail amounts, or other legal actions. It is essential to thoroughly understand and comply with all the conditions outlined by the court during your release.

Non-compliance could lead to forfeiting the bail amount.

Note: Judges have the authority to exercise discretion in determining bail values, giving them flexibility in their decision-making. While the bail schedule offers a starting point, it functions more as a guideline than a strict rule. Judges can use their discretion to increase or decrease the bail value to better fit your case's specifics. This discretionary power ensures that the bail decision considers each case's details and nuances. This promotes a fair and personalized approach to bail determination.

Campo Bail Bonds

Bail bonds present a practical alternative for individuals facing financial constraints who would otherwise struggle to pay the entire bail amount upfront. Instead of expending a significant sum or resorting to the sale of personal property, individuals or their loved ones can collaborate with a bail bondsman to facilitate their release from custody.

This process involves paying a non-refundable fee, around 10% of the total bail amount, to the bail bondsman. In exchange, the bondsman furnishes a guarantee to the court for the complete bail amount. This will help you secure your pre-trial release under specified conditions.

This alternative proves particularly advantageous for those with immediate financial limitations. Individuals can navigate their legal circumstances by engaging a Campo bail bondsman without depleting their financial resources or liquidating valuable assets.

In a bail bond agreement, bail bondsmen commonly require collateral and a cosigner to manage the financial risk of providing the bond. A collateral is an asset or valuable property that serves as security. It ensures that if the individual fails to meet court conditions, the bondsman can seize the collateral to cover the outstanding bail amount.

Alongside collateral, a cosigner plays a crucial role. This additional individual assumes responsibility for the bail bond. He/she agrees to pay the full amount if the released individual does not meet court obligations. The cosigner adds an extra layer of assurance for the bondsman regarding the financial commitment.

Including collateral and a cosigner helps mitigate risk for the bondsman and facilitates the individual's release from custody. It ensures the bondsman has recourse if you or a loved one fails to adhere to agreed-upon conditions or does not appear in court.

Forfeiture of a Bail Bond

Forfeiting your bail bond occurs when you fail to adhere to the court's conditions. If these conditions are violated, the court can declare a forfeiture of your bail bond. This will lead to the withdrawal of your release and the confiscation of the bail amount. Actions like criminal activities or violating specific court orders can also result in forfeiture.

After the declaration of forfeiture, legal consequences will follow. The court could issue a bench warrant for your arrest. Additional charges related to the bail violations could be imposed.

If you use a bail bondsman, you could take measures to recover the forfeited amount. This could involve seizing any provided collateral or pursuing legal action against you and your cosigner.

The court could consider setting aside the forfeiture and reinstating your bail in specific instances. This option is available if you can provide a valid reason for the non-compliance and convincingly demonstrate your commitment to meeting all court requirements.

Own Recognizance

In some cases, bail is not required. Judges can use discretion to release defendants on their own recognizance (OR). This means you will be released without posting bail. This release is conditional on the commitment to attend all court hearings and comply with court-set conditions. Being released on your own recognizance indicates the court's trust in your reliability and community ties, seeing you as a low risk for non-compliance. It relies on your word and understanding of legal proceedings without the financial obligation of posting bail.

Reasons You Should Consider Campo Bail Bonds

You should consider Campo bail bonds for several reasons when you or a loved one is arrested. Below are some of the most compelling reasons:

  1. Financial Ease

Opting for a bail bond offers you notable financial relief. Instead of facing the daunting task of paying the entire bail amount upfront, you or your family can seek the assistance of a bail bondsman. Collaborating with them entails paying only a fraction, around 10% of the total bail.

This arrangement swiftly alleviates financial pressure. This grants you the means to address legal matters without the immediate strain of covering the entire bail upfront. It is a pragmatic solution that allows you to navigate the legal process without depleting your financial resources. It offers a more manageable way to fulfill the financial obligations of securing your custody release.

  1. Asset Preservation

Opting for a bail bond is a practical move to preserve your assets. Instead of the immediate need to sell valuable possessions or property to cover the entire bail amount, working with a bail bondsman allows you to pay only a percentage of the total bail, safeguarding your assets.

This method ensures that you can navigate the legal process without the urgency of liquidating property. It presents a more sustainable and asset-preserving solution. Choosing a bail bond offers a practical means to address legal challenges without jeopardizing your financial stability or resorting to selling valuable assets.

  1. Swift Release from Prison

Bail bondsmen work to ensure the swift release of their clients from custody. It is a timely solution to your legal challenges. Instead of waiting to amass the entire bail amount, you or your family can turn to bail bonds for a quicker resolution.

Engaging with a bail bondsman involves paying only a fraction of the total bail amount, facilitating your prompt release. This expedited process allows you to promptly address legal matters, minimizing the time spent in custody. This enables you to resume regular activities while awaiting trial without unnecessary delays.

  1. Preservation of Employment

Campo bail bonds safeguard your employment. By opting for bail bonds to swiftly secure your release from custody, you can sidestep extended incarceration periods that could threaten your job.

Collaborating with a bail bondsman and paying a fraction of the total bail amount ensures a quick return to your regular activities, including resuming work. This guarantees that you can address legal matters without compromising your professional commitments. Ultimately, you will preserve your employment while waiting for trial.

What Happens to the Bail Sum After the End of Your Trial?

After your trial concludes, the fate of the bail sum, given the use of a bail bond, depends on the case's outcome:

Acquittal or Dismissal

In the event of a favorable outcome, where you are found not guilty, or the charges are dismissed, the court generally releases the bail bond. This implies that you, or the individual who posted the bond, are no longer financially obligated. Any collateral provided is returned promptly.


If the verdict is a conviction, the bail bond fulfills its intended purpose by ensuring your court appearance throughout the trial proceedings. The bondsman is not accountable for fines, fees, or restitution. These obligations fall on the defendant. The bondsman retains the agreed-upon fee post-trial, and any collateral is returned.


If the court mandates the forfeiture of the bail amount due to violating release conditions, the bond company could incur the loss. Potential recovery efforts could be directed toward the defendant or co-signer if collateral was involved.

It is imperative to comprehend the terms of the bail bond agreement, encompassing fees and conditions, and to adhere to all court requirements for a seamless resolution post-trial.

Campo Jail and Court Information

Campo Jail

San Diego County Sheriff's Department, Campo Substation
378 Sheridan Rd
Campo, CA 91906

+1 619-478-5378

San Diego County Juvenile Ranch Facility
957 Forest Gate Rd
Campo, California, 91906


Juvenile Ranch Facility
957 Forest Gate Rd
Campo, California, 91906


Courthouse Serving Campo

Central Courthouse
1100 Union Street
San Diego, CA 92101


Find a Campo Bail Bondsman Near Me

Bail bondsmen play a pivotal role in helping you access the benefits of a bail bond for trial preparation while you are out of custody. Their crucial involvement revolves around securing your release from jail by posting the full bail amount, with their fee being only a fraction of the total.

Teaming up with Justice Bail Bonds grants you the freedom to resume your daily responsibilities, including work and family commitments, while awaiting trial. This flexibility is a significant advantage. It will allow you to better prepare for upcoming court appearances without the constraints of being confined. Contact our Campo team at 714-541-1155 for further assistance.

Additionally, we offer flexible payment terms. You will also be sure to get us any time of day or night, including weekends and holidays.