It has come to light that the generic test panel that is used to determine consumption of federally illegal products is flawed. The presence of CBD as extracted from hemp (with no THC) will still show there has been use of controlled substance. This is not a “who cares?” situation. Ask any disqualified Olympic athlete or devout parent who has lost custodial rights: if you are someone on probation or subject to testing for any other professional or legal need, the test results may negatively impact your results.
Children exposed to hemp CBD product in the form of pain-relief gummies or other can be mistaken for children exposed to legal cannabis, making you a neglectful parent. Did you apply this to your body for knee or elbow or foot pain? Did you try to utilize the small candy this when your baby was teething? This convenience store marketed product that required no dispensary licensing for re-sale? Did you use the product yourself in the form of gum or skin cream?
Your own test may result in a positive and if you are in a custodial court battle, on probation, or released on own-recognizance with regular testing, you might be looking this faulted test being the defining result.
How might this impact an individual or family:
- denial of equal visitation rights based on presence of CBD consumption
- children being taken into the care of social services by presence of CBD exposure
- charges of neglect for parents and children all having the presence of CBD mistaken for THC
- re-incarceration for individuals on probation for presence of CBD mistaken for THC
- probation violation for presence of CBD mistaken for THC pending additional penalty assignments (misdemeanor offenses)
Justice Bail Bonds reminds you that there are agents available and clear channels to advise you in any type of bail bond related questions. Call 951-445-4155 on a 24 hour a day hotline for getting out of jail.
Justice Bail Bonds advises you to be prepared to fight if you are scrutinized for use. Use the following guidelines:
Keep a paper record of your transactions. This small step will allow you to challenge the results of a test. You may request other images of the sale transactions of merchandise (on camera).
Call Justice Bail Bonds at 951-445-4155 if you are arrested with the charge of impairment via consumption, or any other charges that may require a bail bond.
If you purchased any CBD products or supplements, you need to be advised that they may have contained far less of the active ingredient that you were led to believe OR more than you thought you had. In both may qualify to join this False Labeled CBD Products class action lawsuit investigation.
Be aware of what class action suits have been filed against different CBD products. These will include “the people” versus “CBD wholesaler” or “CBD retailer.”
“In the beginning there was nothing, and everything was illegal in the eyes of the law. “
You have choices now in the realm of legal cannabis states. The bail bond agents at Justice Bail Bonds encourages you to take the time to investigate how CBD might affect you and your situation.
Be tricked or be treated!!!