24 Hour Bail Bonds:

Los Angeles: 323-547-8767 | Orange County: 714-541-1155 San Bernardino: 909-381-3899 | San Diego: 619-381-4859 | Riverside: 951-445-4155

24 Hour Bail Bonds:

Los Angeles: 323-547-8767

Orange County: 714-541-1155

San Bernardino: 909-381-3899

San Diego: 619-381-4859

Riverside: 951-445-4155

justice bail bonds


How To Pay For Bail With a Car or Vehicle Title

Posted on Mar 31st, 2020 by 28020 Views

Many people wonder if they can use their car or other vehicle titles to pay for bail or bail bonds? The short answer is: sometimes. There are a lot of different factors to consider when deciding to use your vehicle as collateral for a bail bond loan, and it is not always the very best option. However, when the banks are closed and gaining access to cash funds is difficult, a car or other vehicle title can sometimes be used as short-term collateral for bail bonds.

Using a car title for bail bonds is one way to get yourself or someone you love home quickly, rather than waiting for weekends or holidays for more conventional loan methods to be available. For more information about using your car or vehicle title to pay for bail or bail bonds, call Justice Bail Bonds at (951) 445-4155.

Can I Use My Car Title as Collateral for a Bail Bond?

Sometimes you can. In order to use your car as collateral for a bail bond loan:

  • You Must Own The Car
  • You Must Have The Title To The Car In Hand
  • You Cannot Be Making Payments On The Car
  • The Car Must Be Running
  • The Car Must Be In Good Shape
  • You Must Have Current Registration
  • You Must Have Current Insurance
  • The Must Be Locally Owned (For Justice Bail Bonds, that means Southern California)
  • The Car Must Have Value Equal To The Amount Of The Loan

If the car is not paid off, is in terrible condition, or doesn’t have current registration and insurance, it will not qualify as collateral for a bail bond loan. Classic or very high-end cars are preferred as collateral for bail bond loans, but other vehicles will be considered if they meet the above requirements.

How To Pay Bail With a Pink Slip?

Bail bond companies like Justice Bail Bonds can accept a pink slip (car title) as collateral or down payment on a bail bond loan. However, this is typically a short-term solution to a bigger problem. A car title is generally only useful to secure a bail bond loan over the weekend or a long bank holiday and will not usually work for the full term of the bail bond loan.

Bail bond companies are not pawn shops and do not have the storage space to hold or resale cars, should someone default on their bail bond loan. In the interest of helping people get out of jail faster, Justice Bail Bonds will accept a pink slip in order to secure a bail bond loan for a short period of time, with the understanding that the loan guarantor, the person making arrangements for the loan, will make other payment arrangements as soon as possible. This is done on a case by case basis and only when specific criteria are met.

To find out if you can pay bail with your pink slip, call the ladies at Justice Bail Bonds at (951) 445-4155 today!

Do Bail Bond Companies Take Car Titles?

Bail bond companies, like Justice Bail Bonds in Riverside, will sometimes accept a car, truck, or boat title as collateral for a bail bond loan. In order to qualify as collateral, the vehicle in question must be specific requirements.

  • You Must Own The Car
  • You Must Have The Title To The Car In Hand
  • You Cannot Be Making Payments On The Car
  • The Car Must Be Running
  • The Car Must Be In Good Shape
  • You Must Have Current Registration
  • You Must Have Current Insurance
  • The Must Be Locally Owned (For Justice Bail Bonds, that means Southern California)
  • The Car Must Have Value Equal To The Amount Of The Loan

Accepting a car title as the collateral for a bail bond loan is only a short-term solution. Justice Bail Bonds does not function as a pawn shop, does not have storage space for cars, and doesn’t deal in used cars. Accepting a car title for a bail bond is a courtesy sometimes extended to help someone during a time when banks are closed and making other financial arrangements is difficult for some reason.

To find out if your car title can help you get a bail bond loan, please call Justice Bail Bonds at (951) 445-4155. The experienced bail bondwomen of Justice will help you explore all of the options and payment plans available to help you get yourself or a loved one out of jail as quickly as possible. After explaining your options to you, they will assist you in making the necessary arrangements so that you or someone you love can get out of jail and back home fast.

Justice Bail Bonds is a bail bond agency that takes car titles to secure a bail bond loan when the situation requires it. To see if you qualify, call Justice at (951) 445-4155.

Bail Bond Companies That Accept Pink Slips

Using a car or other vehicle title to secure a bail bond loan is a short-term solution that will allow you to get someone you love out of jail quickly. However, it is not intended to be the long-term collateral for a bail bond loan. Sometimes, over weekends or long bank holidays, it can be difficult to make financial arrangements for a bail bond. In these situations, a pink slip (car title) can stand as short-term collateral for the bail bond loan with the understanding that as soon as the banks open, the person arranging the bail bond will make other arrangements for bail bond payment.

Justice Bail Bonds will accept pink slips for bail bonds under some circumstances. To see if you and your pink slip qualify, call Justice Bail Bonds today at (951) 445-4155.

Justice Bail Bonds in Riverside, CA

Justice Bail Bonds have served the people of Riverside County, California for more than twenty years. They understand the stress and difficulties that incarceration can bring to a family. The all-female, bi-lingual staff at Justice is committed to helping your family in your time of need. An incarcerated person can’t care for their children, provide for their family, or repair strained relationships. The bail bond professionals at Justice understand that when someone faces jail time, bail is often the fastest way to put your family back together.

Bail can be expensive. Paying the full amount of cash bail is often more than someone can comfortably come up with. Whatever your financial circumstances, Justice Bail Bonds will work with you to get yourself or your loved one out of jail and back home where they belong. Justice offers no down bail options, on approved credit, and will work with you to figure out what type of payment plan will work best for your family.

Justice Bail Bonds offers:

  • Justice Bail Bonds Offers:
  • The Best Rates On Bail Bonds in Riverside County
  • The Ability To Write Large Bail Bonds (over 2 million)
  • Payment Plans For Bail Bonds
  • No Down Bail Bonds (OAC)
  • 1% Bail Bonds
  • Bail Bond Payment Plans
  • Low Monthly Payments
  • Accept All Major Credit Cards
  • Online Payment Options
  • All Paperwork Can Be Submitted Online
  • Military Discounts
  • Female Staff
  • Bilingual Staff
  • 20 Years Of Experience In The Bail Bond Industry

For Bail Bonds in Riverside, CA, call Justice Bail Bonds today at (951) 445-4155!


Free Consultation

How To Pay For Bail With a Car or Vehicle Title

Crowd Funding For Bail Money or Bail Bonds

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Orange County


San Bernardino



For faster service please call 951-445-4155 24 hours a day, seven days a week if you or a loved one has been arrested and need to be bailed out quickly and confidentially or if you simply have questions regarding bail, an arrest, or inmate information please do not hesitate to call or fill out our contact us form. We are available 24/7 for all of your bail needs. 

For faster service please call 951-445-4155 24 hours a day, seven days a week if you or a loved one has been arrested and need to be bailed out quickly and confidentially or if you simply have questions regarding bail, an arrest, or inmate information please do not hesitate to call or fill out our contact us form. We are available 24/7 for all of your bail needs.