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Los Angeles: 323-547-8767

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Bail Bond Reinstated Step by Step

Posted on May 20th, 2024 by tmg_admin 1744 Views

Revoking a bail bond can deal a significant blow to your legal case. Do not panic, though. You still have the chance to be released by asking for the bail bond to be reinstated. You must petition the court to revive a revoked bail bond to address the accusations against you and continue court appearances. Understanding the reasons behind bond revocation and reinstatement procedures is vital to effectively manage this intricate legal scenario.

How can I reinstate my bail bond? The information below details how you can accomplish this.

What is Bail Bond Reinstatement?

A bail bond reinstatement motion is a legal proceeding that aims to convince the court to grant you bail once more in place of the forfeiture. This essentially gives you a second chance to comply with court appearances.

Reinstating your bail bond involves a motion-based process. To intervene, your bail bondsman files a motion with the court. Your revoked bond is the main point of contention in this motion, and substantial documentation is required to support the original bond revocation. This action pertains only to cases in which you violated the conditions of your release, leading to the revocation of your initial bond. This could entail:

  • Skipping court appearances
  • Running into more problems, or
  • Disobeying any additional orders, you were issued

In essence, it is a formal request to the court requesting that they grant you bail once more and lift the revocation.

You can also work with your attorney to help you with the process.

Process of Restoring Your Bail Bond

Reinstating a bail bond follows a defined procedure. Here are the steps you should follow:

     a) Identifying the Violation

You should determine which particular violation led to the revocation of your bail. You will address this violation directly in the reinstatement motion. In your request, you will ask the court to reexamine the case. While doing so, you must justify violating the initial terms and your right to a second opportunity.

The next step is to explain away the violation. Your violation could have resulted from any of the following reasons:

You Did Not Intentionally Violate the Terms of Your Bail Release

In most cases involving a failure to appear, which is a term of your bail release, you could present the following reasons:

  • Medical emergencies — Your claim could be admissible if you document an unexpected illness, hospitalization, or serious medical event that requires quick attention.
  • Family emergencies — This could include the untimely death, severe illness, or injury of a close relative that necessitates your prompt attendance.
  • Natural disasters — The courts could consider situations like earthquakes, floods, or fires that significantly impact your capacity to appear in court.
  • Transportation issues — You could be eligible if you have unforeseen car trouble, adverse weather that makes traveling difficult, or a recorded mechanical failure that prevents you from being at court on time. However, it depends on the severity and your efforts to reschedule.

However, you need documentation to substantiate your justification.

You Were Unaware You Violated a Bail Term

You could successfully argue an unintentional breach of bail conditions. However, the details of your case will determine the outcome. Strict responsibility is a common feature of bail terms, meaning knowing about the violation is irrelevant.

Courts may, nevertheless, employ the "reasonableness test." They will determine whether a reasonable person in your circumstances would have realized they were violating the terms. For instance, your lack of awareness could apply if you unknowingly traveled internationally when a new court date was scheduled.

You have the burden of demonstrating your sincere ignorance. This can entail offering proof, such as recorded misunderstandings, missed notifications due to technical difficulties, or documented communication failures.

Remember that this reasoning is more effective when applied to genuine misunderstandings than to willful contempt for the rules.

     b) Drafting Your Motion

Effectively drafting your application to reinstate bail is essential to making a strong case to the California court. You should verify your local court's formatting standards for motions. You can contact the court clerk's office or search online for this information. However, most courts accept a 14-point Arial or Times New Roman format.

You should also pay close attention to the following key sections when drafting your motion:

The Title

Whether you posted cash bail or a bail bond will determine the title of your motion to reinstate bail.

You can refer to "Motion to Reinstate Bail" if you want cash bail reinstated.

Alternatively, if you posted a revoked bail bond, you can use "Motion to Set Aside Notice of Bond Forfeiture and Reinstate Bail Bond." This title addresses your motion to overturn the court's "Notice of Bond Forfeiture" and reinstate the bond.

Case Summary

Provide a brief case summary at the beginning of your application to reinstate bail. This summary should present the circumstances and your court request and contain the case name and number.

Briefly describe the original bail award and the violation that resulted in its revocation in your case. Make it clear that you want the judge to set your bail back. Keep it brief and formal. Speak in a formal tone and avoid legal jargon.

A compelling case summary establishes the framework for your motion. Communicating the essential facts can help you get the judge's attention and persuade them to view your reinstatement reasons more favorably.

The Body of Your Motion

The body of your motion to reinstate bail describes the particulars of the infraction and the reasons you are requesting reinstatement. You will include the details of the violation as addressed before under identifying the violation.

You should focus on describing the facts that led to the infraction and the steps you will take to resolve it. Acknowledge responsibility, offer regret, and pledge to honor all bail requirements going forward.

Prayer for Relief

The “Prayer for Relief” is key to your motion to reinstate bail. It gives the court precisely what you are requesting, eliminating any possibility of confusion. You can also specify other demands, including consent to travel on a specific, pre-approved itinerary.

A well-written “Prayer for Relief” supports your application to reinstate bail by ensuring the court is clear about your request.

Signature Block

The signature block completes your motion to reinstate bail. This part formally ends your motion and gives the court your contact details. Some of the crucial elements that should appear include the following:

  • Signature — Sign your name on the appropriate line in the signature block.
  • Typed came — Type your entire written name below your signature for clarity.
  • Details of contact — Add your phone number and current address. You can also choose to include your email address. This makes it simple for the court to contact you with inquiries or updates.
  • Date — To create a precise time frame, date the motion.

You can also include the following:

  • Your attorney’s information — Please list your attorney's contact information if you have one. Usually, this consists of their name, bar code, and email address for communicating with the court.
  • Verification — Some courts might require your signature to be verified by a notary public. Check with your local court for the precise procedures for proof of your motion, as this is not always required.

     c) Filing a Motion

Drafting your motion to reinstate bail is just the first step. You then have to file your motion. Go over your entire motion to ensure no typos, grammatical, or factual errors. Formatting consistency is similarly vital. Ensure it follows the guidelines set forth by your local court.

Depending on the processes followed by your local court, you could require copies of the judge, court documents, and even opposing parties. It is important to have them as you file.

There is usually a filing fee for motions. Contact the court clerk's office in your area to find out the actual fee. Prices vary depending on the court. There are three ways to pay: in person, by mail, or online, if accessible. You can request a fee waiver if you cannot afford the fee. Generally speaking, the first step is to complete an application for a fee waiver. Pay stubs, bank records, and any documentation about government assistance will be required to prove your financial difficulty. The waiver application forms are available at the clerk’s desk.

The kind of bond or cash you deposited for bail will be a significant factor in any request to reinstate bail you file. This is how it affects the procedure:

  • Cash bail — The procedure is usually easier if you pay the court's bail directly. Reinstatement generally does not require further consent.
  • Bail bond — When you use bail bonds, the bail bond company's consent to reestablish the bail bond is crucial because they insure your bail. They will sign reaffirmation agreements. Reaffirmation agreements, often called "reassumption agreements" or similar, are special documents many courts require bond companies to fill out. These documents attest to the bond company's readiness to take up your court appearance expenses again.
  • Third-party bail — When you use a third party, the courts will also require their approval. Third parties, in this case, include family and friends. Courts have paperwork for them to sign, for example, "permission to reestablish bail," similar to the situation with the bond business. This confirms their promise to pay upfront if you do not attend court again.

     d) Attending the Hearing

Sometimes, a judge could consider your motion and supporting documentation before deciding. It could either grant or deny your motion without convening a hearing. In other situations, the judge could hold a hearing so that you and the prosecution can present your cases before reaching a decision. This can occur if any of the following circumstances:

  • The complexity of the case — Whether a hearing is required will depend on the intricacy of your case and the circumstances surrounding your absence from court. Straightforward reasons with minimal dispute are less likely to need a hearing.
  • Opposition from the state — If the state has substantial objections to the reinstatement of bail, the prosecutors could ask for a hearing to present their case.

You should prepare if there is going to be a hearing. It is best to speak to your attorney. He/she will defend you at the hearing. Since the criminal defense attorneys understand the hearing procedure, they can help you gather more supporting documentation and perhaps speak with an attorney.

As you await the outcome of your application, adhere to all current court orders. This will strengthen your argument for bail reinstatement and demonstrate your good faith.

     e) The Court’s Decision

The judge in California has two options once you file your application to reinstate bail: approve or reject.

The judge will grant your motion and reinstate your bail bond if he/she is convinced by the reasons you provided for your bail violation. This indicates that you can continue pursuing your legal matter while adhering to all court directives. Curfews and electronic monitoring are two examples of the specific release conditions that the judge could impose.

Should the judge deny your application, your bail bond will still be forfeited. The court retains the bail money you or the bondsman posted. You will also remain in custody until your next court date or trial.

Usually, the judge issues a written order outlining their rationale and ruling. This will help you and your lawyer understand the reasoning behind the decision and determine possible courses of action.

In some instances, you can challenge the judge's ruling. You should, therefore, work with your attorney when exploring this option.

Distinguishing Bail Forfeiture From Bail Revocation

Bail forfeiture should not be mistaken for bail revocation.

The court keeps the bail money you or the bail bond company posted as a financial penalty for not adhering to the terms of your release. Your initial bail terms usually stand and are not immediately renewed if your reinstatement application is denied. Instead, the forfeited bail acts as a fine for the violation. This process is known as bail forfeiture.

However, if you break the terms of your release while out on bail, for example, by committing a new felony or skipping a court date, the courts will revoke your bail. The courts will then issue a bench warrant for your arrest. You will then remain in custody until your trial.

The Bail Bonds Company's Role in the Bail Bond Reinstatement Proceedings

You and the bail bond company might benefit from the bail bond reinstatement process.

Reinstatement gives you a vital chance to regain your freedom, continue your case, and comply with court orders. Additionally, avoiding forfeiture prevents you (or whoever posted the bail) from losing the substantial sum used to secure release.

With a reinstated bail bond, the bondsman can recover the entire bail sum guaranteed to the court to secure your release. This helps them avoid losing the money to the courts. Further, a successful reinstatement reflects positively on the bondsman's reputation. It showcases their ability to manage bail effectively and attract future clients.

The bail bond company is not required to automatically reinstate your bond after the court issues an order granting your reinstatement application. The bondsman's decision to pay your bail bond depends on several variables, including:

  • The seriousness of the initial offense
  • Your prior track record of compliance, and
  • Any new risks associated with your release.

The bondsman could ask you to sign a reaffirmation agreement. It is effectively a pledge to uphold bail restrictions, even in the event of a court order. They could also set more stringent conditions for the release or demand more collateral.

When You Should Act to Increase the Likelihood of a Positive Outcome

If you skip a court hearing in California, you should file your application to reinstate bail as soon as possible. This move helps your case because a delay could affect the judge's decision.

By swiftly submitting your motion, you can show that you are committed to resolving the matter and future court compliance. Delaying the filing could also make gathering evidence for missing court more difficult.

Note: Act within 30 days of your violation to increase your chances of securing a favorable outcome.

Find a Bail Bonds Company Near Me

A missing court appearance does not mean that your legal case is over. Knowing your rights and the intricacies of the reinstatement of a bail bond will enable you to confront the matter head-on. Recall that timely action is essential. Securing legal advice and promptly applying to reinstate bail can significantly improve your chances of success.

Regaining your freedom and avoiding losing the bail bond sums are attainable goals. You can retake control of your case by collaborating closely with an attorney and proving that you will appear in court. Do not put off taking care of this issue.

Furthermore, bail bond agents are familiar with the process. Their significant stake in the reinstatement process motivates them to do their best to help. You can count on Justice Bail Bonds if you need bail bond services in Temecula. Contact us at 714-541-1155 and speak to one of our Temecula bail bond agents.

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For faster service please call 951-445-4155 24 hours a day, seven days a week if you or a loved one has been arrested and need to be bailed out quickly and confidentially or if you simply have questions regarding bail, an arrest, or inmate information please do not hesitate to call or fill out our contact us form. We are available 24/7 for all of your bail needs. 

For faster service please call 951-445-4155 24 hours a day, seven days a week if you or a loved one has been arrested and need to be bailed out quickly and confidentially or if you simply have questions regarding bail, an arrest, or inmate information please do not hesitate to call or fill out our contact us form. We are available 24/7 for all of your bail needs.